Registration and Abstract
Please register and submit your abstract electronically to registration page or directly to
The abstract is written in English and normally contains a maximum of 200 words.
Full Paper
Paper written in English and paper template is available here
The original manuscript that has not been published elsewhere should contain 5-10 pages, including title, abstract, keywords, the main text (eg. Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion and Conclusion), Acknowledgements (optional) and References (use APA 7th edition).
Submission Guide for Authors (
To guarantee smooth administration, the whole submission process is done fully online and NOT by email.
- Author must create an account first (top menu “Register” then follow the instructions).
- Only after your registration has been approved by admin, that you can login to your account (top menu “Login”).
- Login to submit your abstract through this system (not by email).
- Only after the status of your abstract is “Accepted”, that you can upload full paper, payment proof, revised paper, etc, through this system (not by email).
- Review process is done fully online through this system (not by email).
Please regularly login to your account to check the status of your submission.